Australia’s education system offers quality courses
Because the Australian Government requires all Australian education and training institutions to be registered and meet quality assurance measures, all tertiary education providers in Australia offer high-quality, internationally relevant courses. Excellence in teaching, research, facilities and support services is found across the spectrum of Australia’s education and training system.
Australian universities
There are 43 universities across Australia. Australian universities are both teaching and research institutions, offering a full range of academic and professional disciplines, with qualifications ranging from diplomas to doctorates.
They have an international reputation for excellence and they can provide you with practical and career-orientated training so you can be confident you have the skills demanded by employers.
Facilities for teaching, training and research include state-of-the-art laboratories and classrooms, outstanding libraries and modern technology. Many universities have strong links with other private and public sector research institutions.
Cost of tertiary education in Australia
If you are an Australian resident
If you are an Australian resident you will pay part of the cost of your education, and the federal government pays the rest. The tuition fees at Australia’s private universities are considerably higher than fees at publicly owned universities.
If you do not have Australian residency
If you do not have Australian residency and want to study in Australia, you will probably have to pay up-front the fees for your course. This could be between AU$9000 and AU$19,000 per year depending on what qualification you want to study towards.
Vocational education in Australia
If you want vocational training you can attend a Technical and Further Education (TAFE) institution. TAFE can provide you with training that is both practical and career-oriented and you can develop your own career path through study or a mix of study and work.
TAFE offers courses in subjects such as computing, business studies, marketing, graphic design, tourism and hospitality. Fees are charged for these courses and vary between institutions and states.
As with university fees, students without Australian residency will likely be required to pay all required course fees up-front, which may be between AU$5500 and AU$18,000 per year.
Some TAFE courses are offered at degree level, with the majority being at diploma or associate diploma level. Under Australia’s national qualifications framework, graduates can also progress into higher level courses including entry into universities for Diploma and Bachelor degree courses.
You can also undertake vocational education programmes in almost any Australian secondary school. These programmes are based on the same competencies and lead to a recognised national qualification.
For more on education in Australia, see Education in Australia: an overview.
For help obtaining your student visa for Australia, contact Working In Visas now. Enjoy your studies down under!